File Monster is a handy utility that enables you to completely and securely wipe one or more files from your system.
As you may already know, erasing files in the traditional Windows way doesn't remove all the data from your drive. Undeleting files is now a common task, and many free programs can do it in a couple of minutes.
Well fear no more!, with File Monster you can make sure that whatever you erase, remains erased.
Before deleting it, File Monster overwrites the original file several times, changing the file size, timestamp and filename with random values, making it imposible for File Recovery Software to be able to Undelete it.
File Monster has a graphical user interface that makes it easy to use for any kind of user, from advanced to novice. You can even securely delete those anoying hidden, read-only or system files!.
Don't let your computer sensitive data to be recovered! Remember that deleted files is the first place someone with computer knowledge looks for information to break your passwords, email or even your bank account data.
You can download a free evaluation trial fully functional for 10 days.